Mr. Innocent Idi Kabanda

Innocent Idi Kabanda served as a member of the Rwanda Stock Exchange Board of Directors since May 2015.
He is also Board member of SOYCO Rwanda (soy bean factory) located at Kayonza District) since January 2016 and EPIC (Eastern Province Investment Company) since January 2016.
Innocent Idi Kabanda currently serves as Director of Portfolio Management Division of Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB). He joined the RSSB in January 2007 as Investments Monitoring and Evaluation Officer and by September 2011 he had become the Director of Fixed Income Investments and in 2013 was appointed as Director of Non Fixed Income Investments.
In 2015, Innocent was promoted to Director of Portfolio Management Division. As Division Manager of portfolio Management, he was responsible for Analysis of the Fixed Income (bank term deposits, Government securities, mortgage and loans) and non-fixed income investments (Real estates and Equity) to determine prudent investment reallocation opportunities to generate additional yield or minimize investment risk; follow up the macro economic situation and prepare the report on regularly basis, especially to evaluate the trend of the inflation rate
Innocent holds a master’s Degree in Economics Policy Management from Kinshasa University sponsored by World Bank and a Bachelor’s Degree in Management from the National University of Rwanda.
He has attended a number of trainings, workshops, seminars and conferences both locally and internationally covering various areas of interest.