Mr. Andrew Otengo Owiny

Andrew Otengo Owiny currently serves as a Board Member on the Board of Directors of the Rwanda Stock Exchange (‘RSE’), and is the Chairman of the Board Finance & Administration Committee.
Andrew Otengo Owiny is a Group Executive Director and Group Head of Corporate Finance & Research with MBEA Brokerage Services (Rwanda) Limited (‘MBEA Rwanda’ or ‘MBSRW’), a Licensed Stock Broker Member of the RSE. At MBEA Rwanda, Andrew handled in the lead role, the 1st securities issue and listing on the Rwanda Over-the-Counter (‘OTC’) Market, a fixed income issue by Banque Commerciale du Rwanda S.A. (‘BCR’); and the 1st equity initial public offer (‘IPO’) and listing on the Rwanda Stock Exchange (RSE), the Brasseries et Limonaderies du Rwanda Ltd (BRALIRWA) IPO.
For over 14 years from 1997 to 2010, Andrew served as Managing Director (initially as Director and Executive Director) at MBEA Brokerage Services (Uganda) Limited (‘MBEA Uganda’), where he handled in a lead or co-lead role, seven (7) out of the eight (8) equity IPOs in Uganda, seven (7) out of the twelve (12) fixed income issues in Uganda, and four (4) out of the eight (8) cross listings on the Uganda Securities Exchange (‘USE’).
Prior to joining The MBEA Group, from 1991 to 2002, Andrew served as Senior Vice President and Head of International Finance at Pryor, Counts & Co., Inc., a full service boutique investment banking firm headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the United States of America (‘USA’).
Prior to joining Pryor Counts, Andrew worked as a Banking Officer in the Development Finance Department and the Agricultural Secretariat of the Central Bank of Uganda (‘BOU’) from 1988 to 1990.Over the same period, Andrew served as a Teaching/Tutorial Assistant in the Finance Department of the Faculty of Commerce at Makerere University, Kampala (‘MUK’), Uganda.
Andrew has, over the years, served on numerous other Boards of organizations across Africa.He currently serves as a Director on the Board of aBi Finance Limited, a Ugandan company that provides financing for agribusiness development; and, on the Board of G4S Secure Solutions (Uganda) Limited, a leading global international security solutions group, specializing in secure outsourcing of business processes, including manned guarding, courier logistics, cash solutions and security systems.
Andrew also served as Alternate Director on the Board of CAL Merchant Bank Limited (now Cal Bank Limited) in Accra, Ghana; Alternate Director on the Board of the National Merchant Bank of Zimbabwe Limited (‘NMBZ’) in Harare, Zimbabwe;and, Alternate Director on the Board of Securities Discount Company Limited (‘SDC’) in Accra, Ghana.He has also served as:Ag. Chairman of the Uganda Securities Exchange (USE);Governing Council Member/Director of the USE, where he served as Chairman of the Council Finance & Projects Committee;Director on the Board of the National Social Security Fund (‘NSSF’) of Uganda, where he served as Chairman of the Board Finance & Investments Committee;He has also served as Founding Chairman of the Uganda Stock Brokers Association (‘USBA’);and, Chairman of Uganda Rugby Union, the governing body of the Game of Rugby in Uganda.
In June 1997, Andrew, at the invitation of the United States Congress/House of Representatives Subcommittee on Africa of the House Committee on International Relations, provided written and oral testimony regarding “Africa’s Emerging Capital Markets”.
Andrew was the first recipient of the “Kikonyogo Capital Markets Award” (‘KCMA’) 2003, presented by Capital Markets Authority of Uganda (‘CMA Uganda’) in recognition of his exemplary contribution towards the development of the Ugandan capital market.The Award was named after the Late Governor of the Central Bank of Uganda (‘BOU’), Mr. Charles N. Kikonyogo, in recognition of his exemplary support and dedication to the development of the capital markets industry in Uganda.In 2007, Andrew received the Runner-up KCMA.
Andrew was nominated one of the “2009 Distinguished Wharton Alumni (contributing to Africa)” by the Wharton African Students Association (‘WASA’), of which Mr. Owiny was the Founding President; and the Wharton Club of Africa (‘WCA’), a congregation of Wharton Alumni from across the African Continent, both organizations associated with The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Andrew served as a Judge on the Panel of Judges for the annual Rwanda Development Board (‘RDB’) Business Excellence Awards (Investor of the Year & Export of the Year Awards) in 2010, 2011 and 2012, and served as Chairman of the Judges Panel & Joint Master of Ceremony (‘MC’) in 2011.
Andrew received his Master of Business Administration degree in Finance & Accounting from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and holds a Bachelor of Commerce honours degree in Finance from Makerere University, Kampala (‘MUK’), Uganda.