

Ismail Momoniat

Ismail Momoniat

A former university Mathematics lecturer, Ismail Momoniat was appointed to his current position in January 2001. He has a MSc from the London School of Economics and a MSc (Maths) from the University of the Witswatersrand (Wits), South Africa. Momoniat’s division at National Treasury is responsible for proposing the reforms for financial sector regulatory framework, including the shift towards a twin peak model. The division is also responsible for tax policy and legislation. Momoniat started his career as a lecturer in Mathematics at Wits. He was an organiser of the United Democratic Front and later worked in the ANC’s economic policy department.

Ismail Momoniat joined Treasury in 1995 and has been part of the team modernising the budget process. He initially headed the division responsible for provincial and local government finances.

He has driven key public finance governance legislation such as the Public Finance Management Act and the Municipal Finance Management Act.
