

Oshiro Mokwena Sebogiso

Oshiro Sebogiso is an investment management professional with close to four years in the field. Currently, he works at the central bank of Botswana as a portfolio analyst in the financial markets department. His responsibilities broadly entail monitoring, quantifying, analyzing and reporting on the financial risk that Botswana’s reserves are exposed to. Oshiro completed his Bachelor of Finance at the University of Botswana in 2012 and has completed the CFA program. He is currently working on accumulating the required experience to become a charter holder. He is in a partnership that aims to demystify issues of pricing, finance and investments for small business owners. Oshiro has a passion for capital markets and is interested in ways in which they can be used for the development of less advanced economies. Upon returning from the Fellowship, he plans to expand his project of helping youth founded SMEs with finance and investment issues.
