

Viviane Gnouinabe Pare Nabie (Vivi)

Viviane Gnouinabe Pare Nabie (Vivi)

Viviane Gnouinabe Pare Nabie (Vivi) holds a Master’s of Arts in Socio-linguistics from the University of Ouagadougou and is currently pursuing an International Master’s degree in Conflictology from the United Nations Institute for Training and Research and the Open University of Catalonia. She has over ten years’ experience in various fields and is currently working as an assistant in research and analysis at the Ministry of Agriculture, where she focuses on analysis of agriculture and related projects and programs. Viviane Gnouinabe Pare Nabie (Vivi) worked for the Permanent Mission of Burkina Faso in Vienna, Austria as a translator and administrative officer and has also worked as representative for the NGO, Friends of African Village Libraries, in Burkina Faso as well as a translator for Plan International. Upon her return to Burkina Faso, she will promote good governance and democracy practices within the public administration and share and promote knowledge gained on gender issues to her colleagues.
