

Sougourounoma Henri Kabore

Sougourounoma Henri Kabore

Sougourounoma Henri Kabore has over eight years of experience in social engagement at the University of Ouagadougou, focusing on youth empowerment, peace building, and health promotion. In 2016, Sougourounoma Henri Kabore founded the “Burkina Faso Youth Interfaith Network” in cooperation with Religions for Peace (RfP) in order to counter terrorism by fostering interfaith and intercultural dialogue. He is strongly engaged in promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the UN Security Council 2250 Resolution on Youth, Peace, and Security. A former student of “Prytanee militaire de Kadiogo’, Henri holds a master’s degree in mediation and conflict management. He wrote his thesis on “The United Nations in preventing violent extremism in Africa: the cases of UNESCO and UNAOC”. He is also a medical doctoral student currently writing a dissertation on the contribution of GIS and Geodesign in achieving health-related SDGs in collaboration with the Institute for Conscious Global Change (ICGC). Henri is an UNAOC 2016 Youth Event participant, a Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Fellow, a Wells Mountain Foundation Scholar, a Burkina Faso State Merit Scholar, a RfP Youth innovative approach Prize winner, a UNESCO participation program grantee and a Global Youth Ambassador of ICGC. After Mandela Washington Fellowship, Sougourounoma plans to found a social venture aimed at tackling illiteracy, conflicts, and diseases.
