

Ciza Bonne

Ciza Bonne

Ciza Bonne has over 10 years’ experience in the health care field with relevant experience in HIV/Aids, the sexual reproductive health and rights of youths, including maternal and children’s health, and community health in particular. Ciza currently works as the manager of the Kabonga Health Center for the Ministry of Public Health in Southern Burundi. He performs administration and management duties, clinical and nursing health care, prepares annual and semester action plans, and implements, monitors and evaluates the health facility’s performance. Ciza Bonne communicates in French, English, Swahili and Kirundi. He routinely uses social media platforms and, plans to share, empower and impact disadvantaged and rural communities through community health initiatives, improved services, mentorship, and coaching. He has a diploma in Clinical Medicine and Nursing with certificates in Community Health and Palliative Care. He is currently doing a Bachelor of Science in Public Health at the Distant Production House University (DPHU). Stayed in Africa.
