

Moira Kelly Mugisha

Moira Kelly Mugisha

Moira Kelly Mugisha has seven years of experience working for women and children-centered organization and four years in the field of Education of Orphans and Vulnerable children. She is currently the co-founder and Programs Manager of School Aid Burundi, an organization that strives to improve the quality of life and the education of HIV impacted school children in Burundi. Moira Kelly Mugisha holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Economics from Uganda Martyrs University and Certificate of Entrepreneurship training from Leuphana University of Luneburg, Germany. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, she plans to share her acquired skills and knowledge with her community and to engage in civic leadership cultivation programs at schools to inspire youth on how to be responsible citizens. She intends to promote increased access to quality education for vulnerable children. Stayed in Africa.
