

Janvier Manirakiza

Janvier Manirakiza

Janvier Manirakiza has over seven years of experience in various fields such as visual communications, graphic design, video production, digital photography and community development. Janvier Manirakiza serves as Communications Officer in a nonprofit organization called Village Health Works (VHW) in Burundi, east Africa where he coordinates all communications for community education through mass campaigns, radio shows, video production, and focus group discussions on various health and development issues. He also gather stories from community members and patients, ensuring that VHW activities are shared through social media, news reports, and special stories. Janvier is now doing his undergraduate studies in Journalism and Communications Studies as a distance learning student at Cavendish University Uganda. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Janvier plans to put his dreams into action by starting his nonprofit organization to continue his commitment to the community with a focus of painting the image of Africa through innovative solutions such as quality education, healthcare and entrepreneurship.
