

Martine Nibasumba

Martine Nibasumba

Martine Nibasumba is the current Director of Planning and Research at the Burundi Revenue Authority with five years of experience in the field. Martine Nibasumba is part of the senior management team and has experience in corporate planning, reporting, and monitoring and evaluation. She is a member of the East African Revenue Authorities Technical Committee (EARATC) and the Country Correspondent for the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF). Martine holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Management from Uganda Martyrs University and a master’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance from the United States International University. She is convinced that the mobilization of domestic revenues is essential and remains a key component to achieve economic development and reduce dependency on external aid. Upon completion of the Washington Fellowship, she plans to apply what she learned from the leadership training regarding transparency in revenue collection and is confident that there will be a positive impact.
