

Gerald Kobobo Afadani

Gerald Kobobo Afadani

Gerald Kobobo Afadani has over five years of experience working with presiding magistrates and liaising with litigants and counsels in the administration of justice at the Court of First Instance,Cameroon. He is a Member Delegate to the Joint Court Registry Administrative Board and Permanent Disciplinary Council where he participates in the career evaluation and management of over 2,000 colleagues. Gerald Kobobo Afadani also serves as the Chief of the Trade and Personal Property Rights Register where he is responsible for the study, verification, and registration of companies. Gerald holds a master’s degree in Business Law, and a law degree in English Private Law, both from the University of Yaoundé II in Soa. Upon completion of the Washington Fellowship program, he plans to extend the use of electronic templates in the incorporation of businesses to the Courts of First Instance. He also plans to advocate for and pilot the use of an integrated court management and business incorporation model. Gerald was one of 100 Fellows competitively selected to participate in an 8-week internship in the United States following the Mandela Washington Fellowship academic institute. He interned at the UN Foundation in August-September 2014.
