

Mohamadou Aminou

Mohamadou Aminou

Since 2013 Mohamadou Aminou has been a civil servant, acting as administrative officer and card-index service head in the Ministry of Public Contracts. Before that, he worked for three years in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Cameroon. He is currently in charge of collecting and recording all files relating to the awarding and execution of contracts, checking the conformity of the award procedure against laws and regulations governing public contracts, and receiving petitions from contractors to settle various matters. Mohamadou Aminou has ten staff working under his authority. Aminou holds a master’s degree in Public and International Law, and is fluent in English, French, German, and Arabic. When he returns from the Young African Leaders Initiative 2016, he will set up new ways of enhancing transparency in the award and execution process of public contracts, the latter being essential in driving the development of his country.
