

Flavien Kouatcha Simo

Flavien Kouatcha Simo, a young entreprenuer, comes from a modest family in the western Cameroonian rural area. He has a strong belief in his dreams and this will help him realize them and reach his goals. Placing the human person at the center of his personal and global development, Flavien wants to train other people with him in his growth. He started his first business, a non-alcoholic beverage sales depot, at the age of 13. Three years later, he acquired a laundromat. These various steps gave him an advanced business sense. He became and Engineer in 2011 at the end of his time at Universite Catholique d’Afrique Centrale – Institut Catholique d’Arts et Metiers (UCAC-ICAM). He then he worked for three years in a multinational company based in Cameroon before resigning to do what he is passionate about, run a farm business and participate in improving the life of his fellow men and women. Flavien is also very active in associative life. He is the President of the Junior Chamber International in Douala. Flavien is also a founding member of Green and Livable, an association created in 2012 to popularize sustainable development goal and bring youth back into agricultural professions.
