Jeanniere Manegabe Tumusifu

Jeanniere Manegabe Tumusifu has over three years of experience in general medicine. Jeanniere Manegabe Tumusifu studied medicine at the Evangelical University in Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Currently, Jeannière is a physician at Panzi Hospital in the pediatrics department. The department focuses on neonatology, treating children with varying health issues and providing free treatment for malnutrition. She voluntarily provides training for rural hospitals. Jeannière is motivated to improve her community’s health, specifically children’s health because she believes that healthy children will ensure a healthy community in the future. This belief motivates her to research pneumococcus respiratory issues in children under five years old. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, she plans to contribute to improving the health of her community by applying her newly gained skills and knowledge. Stayed in Africa.