

Arsene Tungali Baguma

Arsene Tungali Baguma

Arsene Tungali Baguma has 7 years’ experience and achievements in online contributions with extensive involvement in various voluntary organizations and charities, and demonstrates a firm commitment to education, leadership development, and social progress. Arsene Tungali Baguma’s the executive director of Rudi International, a non-profit he co-founded in 2011, which provides education to over 70 students in rural Congo. In 2013, he established another organization, Mabingwa Forum, to develop African leadership as a group of emerging leaders who gather annually to network, share experience, and inspire each other as they all seek to affect positive social change. After Peace One Day, he is currently working with UNICEF as a consultant in communication and advocacy, where his role includes producing human-based stories and social media outreach. Upon completion of the Fellowship, Arsene plans to network with emerging African leaders, and work for the future of the country through access to education for more children.
