

Manfred Jefferson Boundamas Odoumou

Manfred Jefferson Boundamas Odoumou

Manfred Jefferson Boundamas Odoumou is currently the Managing Director of JOBS, a company specializing in ICT solutions with more than 4 years’ experience in communication and IT solutions. He is passionate about new technologies and is the promoter of the digital week that takes place every year during the Global Entrepreneurship Week. He is the president of G-LAB, a tech-hub that promotes women’s leadership and responsible use of the internet and new technologies. Manfred is member of the Basketball Academy Club, which aims to build the next generation of African Leaders through sport studies. He is also member of the board of directors of the alumni association of his management school, where he obtained a master’s degree in finance. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Manfred Jefferson Boundamas Odoumou plans to continue his mission of promoting digital and sports studies to young people and women. YALI is a unique opportunity to build a network with African and American partners, exchange experiences, and to discover successful models that could be replicated in Gabon.
