

Camille Epembia I Borobo

Camille Epembia I Borobo

Camille Epembia I Borobohas over six years’ experience as a human resources entrepreneur, creating jobs in his community and promoting entrepreneurship. Currently, Camille Epembia is the founder and chief executive officer of Yorha Group, a group of businesses that includes a human resources firm, a human resources and training magazine, and human resources web solutions for businesses and job seekers. It employees over 200 people. Camille Epembia I Boroboalso volunteers through an NGO called Ogooue Labs in promoting entrepreneurship and business good practices in various schools and universities in Gabon. He works with NGOs such as Junior Achievement Gabon. Camille holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management from Midrand Graduate Institute, South Africa. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Camille plans to continue his work as an entrepreneur, create more jobs, and keep promoting entrepreneurship in order to actively participate in his country’s development.
