Gifty Mensah
Gifty Mensah has over 6 years of experience working in areas related to girl child education, women’s and girls’ issues, community development and civil/human rights. Currently, Gifty is the co-founder of Global Alliance for Development Foundation (GADeF), an international NGO, where she educates and mentors young girls in rural communities to network, learn, and communicate efficiently through reading clubs. She uses her platform to advocate for an end to child marriage, as well as the victimization of girls in any form of gender-based violence like sexual abuse or marital rape. Gifty is also a Global Girls’ Right Champion and Research Associate at Odekro Parliamentary and Monitoring Organization in Ghana.Gifty Mensah holds a Master of Science degree in Gender and International Relations from the University of Bristol, UK. Gifty’s commitment to empowering girls is driven by her passion to make development matter most to girls as it affects their social and economic status. Upon completion of the Washington Fellowship, Gifty plans to engage MPs to advocate on the need to pass legislation to abolish early marriage of girls to ensure they can complete an appreciable level of secondary education.