

Fatima Camara

Fatima Camara

Fatima Camara has over six years’ experience in the political field. She is currently a spokesperson of an organization that advocates for increased representation of women and young girls in leadership positions within political parties and government. Fatima Camara also manages an events planning enterprise in Conakry, where she plays a key role in the training and employing of young girls as hostesses for public and private functions around Conakry and its environs. She’s the president of a basketball league in Conakry, and helps to organize tournaments and generate income for promoting. Fatima holds a Master’s degree in Private Law from the University Lansana Conte of Guinea. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship(Africa), she will create a multi-purpose center where young men and Women will come and utilize their potential to the maximum, and do training activities for these youths, to bring human resource experience to youth-related activities.
