

Jedidah Naniai Lemaron

Jedidah Naniai Lemaron

Jedidah Naniai Lemaron has over five years’ experience in mentorship, life-skill coaching, and counseling. She founded of The Malkia Initiative Foundation, where she focuses on offering psychosocial support to girls who’ve undergone female genital mutilation and early forced marriage in the Maasai community. She also mentors girls in schools and those who’ve dropped out of school due to early pregnancy. Jedidah Naniai Lemaron volunteers with a like-minded organization to provide sanitary towels to needy girls and to train women in entrepreneurial skills. Jedidah is a graduate of the University of Nairobi(Kenya), where she studied Counseling Psychology. She is currently doing her master’s in Social Innovation Management at the Amani Institute. Upon her return from the Fellowship, she plans to take her work a step further by setting up a resource center, which will serve as a one-stop shop for women and girls, offering professional counseling, quality education, and skills training.
