

Rindraniaina Rabearivony

Rindraniaina Rabearivony

Rindraniaina Rabearivony is in charge of communication at the Faculty of Law, Economy, Management, and Sociology at the University of Antananarivo. Moreover, she is a lecturer at Iscam Madagascar, a business school, in the field of Human Resources Management (HRM). As she believes that education is the most powerful tool to eradicate poverty, she provides courses to needy Malagasy people through different associations like Otitsara and Ankizy. She teaches sexual education, personal development, and English. Rindraniaina Rabearivony has also her own association which aims to ensure extracurricular activities for students at Malagasy public high schools. Rindraniaina holds a master’s degree in Human Resources Management and another one in Management and Development of Companies. Stayed in Africa.
