

Lova Navalona Rakotoarisoa

Lova Navalona Rakotoarisoa

Lova Navalona Rakotoarisoa is a development practitioner in Madagascar(Africa) who consults as a training expert for various local NGOs and foundations. In addition, Lova Navalona Rakotoarisoa is the executive director and founder of YES-TaFiTa, a nonprofit organization that aims to empower Malagasy youth to become advocates for social justice and human rights in their communities. She has over 10 years of experience in the community-development sector, and is passionate about initiatives aimed at transforming social issues and promoting equal opportunities. Lova is a jurist and a certified human rights trainer. She aspires to be a family/human rights lawyer in the near future. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, she plans to continue her work in advancing human rights, and promoting the civic and democratic participation of the youth in her country.
