

Louis Manoa Rakotoarison

Louis Manoa Rakotoarison

Louis Manoa Rakotoarison has three years experience in non-profit organization, focusing on education. Louis Manoa Rakotoarison is currently the President and co-founder of the Teach For Madagascar movement. Manoa and his team have created four original projects that aim to connect educated young Malagasy volunteers (Zoky), with the marginalized social class. His organization is based on the framework of education, good citizenship, and empowerment. Manoa holds a Master’s degree in Public Law and Political Science from the Catholic University of Madagascar(Africa). His academic background motivated him to initiate a social and educational movement as part of a growing civil society. He was awarded the Recognition Prize of the Ten Outstanding Young People in Madagascar by JCI in 2016. After the MWF, he aims to spread an educational movement in order to reach all 22 regions of Madagascar to bring about unity, patriotism, and development.
