

Jessie Nabulambo Kilembe

Jessie Nabulambo Kilembe has over six years of work experience in the public sector. She is currently a Domestic Market Operations Dealer at the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM), where she focuses on implementing monetary policy and managing banking system liquidity and public debt. Prior to joining RBM, she worked in the Ministry of Finance’s Treasury Department as an economist responsible for macro-fiscal issues. She has skills in forecasting, policy analysis, financial programming and policies, macroeconomic management, debt sustainability analysis, and public debt management. Jessie holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Namibia and a Master of Science in Economics and Finance from the University of Leeds, UK. Upon completion of the Washington Fellowship, she plans to work on macroeconomic policy initiatives with a focus on public debt management and the coordination between fiscal and monetary policies.
