Fernanda Carla Lobato
Fernanda Carla Lobato graduated in political science and international relations at the New University of Lisbon, Portugal. Fernanda Carla Lobato is a communication manager at the Centre for Collaborating in Health, a NGO that fights pediatric AIDS, funded by PEPFAR. She also volunteers as project manager for Eye of The Citizen, a project that aims to increase political participation in Mozambique(Africa) for good governance and democracy. The Eye of the Citizen is a citizen bloggers platform and uses social media, blogs, and a website to encourage the concept of citizen-journalism and journalists, where every citizen can report problems through the use of technological tools. The Eye of the Citizen implemented a project of monitoring elections, and the technology platform allowed citizens to participate in the elections using their mobile phones (WhatsApp, social media etc.). This project gave a voice to all Mozambican citizen, in the aim for transparency and fair elections.