

Chukwudi Precious Anyanaso

Chukwudi Precious Anyanaso

Chukwudi Precious Anyanaso is the programs manager of the Smallholders Foundation. This rural-development organization promotes agricultural development and environmental management information for small rural farmers in Nigeria using educational radio programs and practical demonstrations. Chukwudi initiated the Y’ Agripreneurs program through which he has trained 680 women on sustainable skills and knowledge in fish farming, fish-feed making as added value, and business skills. Chukwudi Precious Anyanaso has established six well-functioning women-owned community fish farms in Imo and Ebonyi States. Some 356 of the women he has trained have established their own fish businesses, become self-employed, and increased their household income by 60%. Chukwudi holds a BEng in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Technology, Owerri. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Chukwudi plans to expand his Y’ Agripreneurs program to establish 43,000 women- and youth-run village agribusiness enterprises across Nigeria.
