

Josiane Isingizwe

Josiane Isingizwe

Josiane Isingizwe is a civil engineer from Rwanda, with over five years of work experience in asset management, building design, maintenance, supervision, and project management. She is a registered Engineer and corporate member of the Institution of Engineers Rwanda. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Rwanda in the College of Science and Technology. Josiane is the Estates Manager of a government organization called Rwanda Standards Board (RSB). At RSB, Josiane Isingizwe focuses on upgrading national standards quality testing in metrology laboratories. She works to protect the public from consuming sub-standard products that can harm their health. She also promotes the exportation of Rwandan products in the international market. Outside of the engineering world, Josiane has co-founded and led youth groups such as Acts Of Gratitude (AOG). AOG was the 2015 winner of the Queen’s Young Leaders Award that helps to educate young people in need. She also works with the Wecan Women’s Network, which empowers women to explore their potential and reach their life goals. She is part of higher impact global organizations such as Graduate Women’s International and Toastmaster’s International Club. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Josiane plans to engage her newly gained network, and use her learned skills and lessons to inspire and influence her community and provide access to education for women and youth.
