

Cynthia Chiamaka Ndubuisi (Cyndy)

Cyndy has over five years’ experience working with organizations on female empowerment and youth leadership. In 2013 she founded Confident Women, now known as the CAMY Foundation, to mentor young women and educate them on home-management, family relationships, and skills acquisition. Cyndy’s first venture was a liquid soap company called Ever Glow that makes an affordable and hygienic alternative to soap bars. Currently, Cyndy owns a social enterprise called Kadosh Production Company, in Nigeria to recycle cassava waste. The venture also helps small-scale cassava farmers (commonly women) to process their cassava into finished products and recycle the peels for livestock feeds. Cyndy has a Bachelor’s degree in Textile Science and Polymer Technology from Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria and a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Nicosia. Upon completion of the Fellowship, she plans to mentor and empower more women on entrepreneurship and help female cassava farmers.
