

Joy Mawela

Joy Mawela

Joy Mawela has a career in Film and TV that commenced at Sithengi Film and TV market when she joined the market in 2001 as a Researcher and Festival programmer.  In 2006 she moved on to production working at the Urban Brew Studios as a production manager for 3Talk. Mawela then joined the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) later in 2006 as a project manager for SABC Africa, DTT and SABC 3 in South Africa.

She has served on the Gauteng Film Commission advisory committee from 2009 to 2011 and the NFVF Documentary panel in 2015.

Joy Mawela holds a National Diploma in Library and Information Studies. In the past 10 years, she was responsible for Programming for both local and international content for the following SABC channels SABC 3, and DTT: SABC Entertainment. She has extensive experience in the areas of Production, Licensing, Distribution, and Strategy in broadcasting.
