

Rory Moore

Rory Moore

Rory Moore is the Liquid Studio Director and Innovation Lead for Accenture in Africa where he leads a dynamic team that brings the best of Lean, Agile and Design Thinking into a fast paced environment. There is a strong focus on concept development and proof of value through tangible high fidelity prototypes around Artificial Intelligence, Immersive Reality and Blockchain. Rory Moore is also Adjunct Faculty at top business schools where he lectures on Innovation, Design Thinking and Digital Disruption. He has an MBA from UCT, South Africa here his focus was on innovation in complex environments and is able to rigorously combine academic principles with real world experience. Rory Moore also has a patent for inventing and commercializing an innovation platform that is unique in its ability to combine business, technology and innovation through a collaborative and social interface 


  • Programme Lead for Retail Banking innovation program for 5 years including the design, set up and approach that delivered $500m worth of value annually and was recognised as the word’s most innovative bank
  • Programme Lead for the design, build and rollout of Telco innovation program which enabled all employees to participate in targeted innovation campaigns across 21 Geographies unlocking new revenue streams and growth opportunities
  • Programme Lead for Inclusive Banking innovation program aimed at supporting the transition to the new operating model. Focused on capturing value at the bottom of the pyramid and ultimately recognized as world’s most innovative inclusive bank


  • Innovation
  • Design Thinking and Collaboration
  • Crowdsourcing and Collective Genius
  • Sprints and Hackathons,
  • Rapid Prototypes and MVP’s

MBA and BCom 
