Brandon October

Since his debut in 2OO2, Brandon October has become a South African music icon, having performed thousands of live local and international shows.
From his humble beginnings in Mitchell’s Plain, Cape Town Brandon has gone on to achieve what very few people have.
His is a name that other artists want to be associated with and the list of artists and musicians he’s worked with is vast and impressive; artists like Arno Carstens, PJ Powers, Miriam Makeba, Coenie De Villiers, Mandoza, Lira, Dizu Plaatjies of the group Amampondo) and Claire Johnston (Mango Grove)
His performance of ‘Barcelona’ with opera star Zanne Stapelberg with the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra is a concert highlight and his rendition of ‘Impossible Dream’ is a breathtaking to experience. Notable audience members have included state presidents (including Nelson Mandela), CEOs, Bill Gates and Kofi Annan.
With his singular vocal and performance style Brandon October always manages to look and sound fresh. It’s no wonder that booking agents constantly recommend Brandon October to their clients. Apart from English and Afrikaans, Brandon has performed in French, German, Italian, Zulu and Xhosa.