

Marek Belka

Marek Belka is a former Prime Minister of Poland (2004-2005) and President of Narodowy Bank Polski (Polish Central Bank) (2010-2016). He qualified as an economist with an M.A., Ph.D. and Habilitacja (higher degree common in continental Europe). He has held various political positions since 1996, including Advisor to the President of Poland, Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister. He has also held positions in international organizations, serving as Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe (in the rank of Undersecretary General of the U.N.) and Director of European Department in the International Monetary Fund (2008-2010). Marek worked in Albania as advisor to three consecutive PMs of the country and in the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq (2003-2004). He was member of Board of Directors of two commercial banks in Poland (at different times) and served as Chairman of LOT Polish Airlines in 2002-2003.
