

André Wilkens

André Wilkens

Appointed to the Board in 2003. André Wilkens was appointed the Chief Executive Officer of ARMgold in 1998. He was then appointed Chief Operating Officer of Harmony following the merger of ARMgold with Harmony in 2003. André subsequently served as Chief Executive of ARM Platinum, a division of ARM. André was appointed as Chief Executive Officer of ARM in 2004 and appointed to its Board in the same year. With the appointment of Mike Schmidt as ARM’s Chief Executive Officer on 1 March 2012, André became the Executive Director: Growth and Strategic Development, based in the office of the Executive Chairman. The balance of André’s 44 years’ mining experience was gained with Anglo American Corporation of South Africa where he began his career in 1969, culminating in his appointment as Mine Manager at Vaal Reefs in 1991. André is also a director of African Rainbow Energy & Power (Pty) Ltd.
