

Cyrille Wendyanaba Korentin Zongo

Business Analyst Chamber of Mines Burkina

Cyrille Zongo is a Junior Business Analyst working with the Chamber of Mines of Burkina. Fulbright Scholar, Cyrille holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Rocherster Institute of Technology in, Rochester, New York and a Bachelor in Economics and Management  from the University of Ouagadougou.

After working as Business Analyst in the united states in the technology and innovation sector, Cyrille returned home in Burkina Faso in 2021, where he started working for the Chamber of Mines and embraced the mining sector for the first time. Country lead of Afrimine in Burkina Faso, Cyrille hones over 4 years of professional experience working with various organizations and multinationals. He is driven by the desire of contributing to the development of Burkina Faso and Africa as a whole through promoting responsible mining and enhancing the contribution of the mining industry to the economic and social development of his country. In 2018, Cyrille co-founded African Youth Initiative for Development, a youth-led organization aiming at promoting youth contribution to development through capacity building programs in various topics. He is ambitious, hard worker and fast learner.
