

Khali De Villiers

Khali Collins, now De Villiers has been working since the age of 13 where she started out at party land, finishing Matric at 16 she worked closely with her dad who was a model maker and set builder, although Khali did not have any formal training, she did get to work at Damelin as part of the staff whereby she started as a member of the marketing team and shortly thereafter she helped them develop their Events Management courses, although once she got involved she realized there are no unit standards in South Africa for flowers, Balloons and Event Decor, thus if you are looking for an accredited course you will have to understand that the practical side of things would not be included in that course and Khali felt there was a gap in the training side of this industry, so with starting The SA School of Weddings, although we are accredited to teach a “New Venture” which would have to be pure theory based and not cover any sort of floral arranging, planning or decor. So thus the school is SETA accredited but not for our practical courses, they are hands-on and make the students do it themselves as opposed to just demonstrating so that each person understands the work behind a function.

Khali De Villiers has been in the events industry for over 18 years, she has been doing weddings, events and corporate functions her entire adult life and has always excelled at what she does.

Khali has pushed through the pandemic ensuring she maintained all 3 of her companies as well as ensuring her staff are looked after.

Khali gives so much of herself into this industry for all industry professionals and is always pushing everyone to succeed.

Khali recently did the Bidvest gala dinner whereby she gave her students hands-on experience in the event industry – the event took place over 2 nights and was a huge success.

Khali De Villiers opened The SA School of Weddings 12 years ago, she saw a gap in the industry for new and upcoming professionals who wanted to break through into the events industry.

Khali has trained thousands of women and men, her courses are mainly skill-based and business-orientated.

The full focus of each course is to give each person a skill whereby they can start their own business as well as run it successfully- the courses cover everything from the actual practicals of doing the tasks as well to starting, running and maintaining your business – the students learn the essential communication skills needed to have a successful relationship with clients as well as marketing themselves and sustainability.

Khali has been an all-round icon in events and continues to motivate and surprise me daily – she is so passionate and goes for what she wants, everyone I have met that knows Khali has said she has been an icon in the industry always professional and ready to help anyone in need.

Khali has been in the industry for over 20 years, starting out with her mother’s second marriage at 17, the bug had bitten and from then on she lives and breathes the events industry.

After doing some of her mom’s friends and family’s weddings, The Wedding Specialist was born. With this company, Khali has been able to work all over the country with a multitude of different venues and types of people.

Khali offers planning, co-ordination, flowers and décor while being able to cater for a host of people regardless of their budget, she has had the honor of having a Cheetah walk the rings down the aisle too.

Khali was the South African producer for Colin Cowie’s wedding in February 2020, whereby 200 guests where brought in from all over the world, it was a 5 day affair, starting at Welgevonden Game Reserve, whereby they had a dinner in the middle of the African bush (no fences or walls) the theme being Glamouflage showing all the guests arriving in full feather outfits, animal prints and the highest heels you could ever see, Collin insisted in giving his guests the true african experience with long drop toilets, african story tellers, marimbas and traditional dancers.

Thereafter the guests where taken back to the airport and flown to Cape Town where they started their second day with a cocktail party at Chinchilla, the guests were dressed in their brightest colours and had a fabulous time.

The third day they had a beach party at the Grand Cafe adorned with surfboards, yellow florals, lemons and lounging furniture, the guests were dressed in their swim suits and beach ware whereby they got to enjoy a show from the legendary Trolley Dollies the guests partied the night away, the following day they had their rehearsal dinner with a beautiful family style dinner at Boschendal, the following and final day was the wedding day, they had a late ceremony that went straight into pre-drinks and reception as Colin is all about guest experience and didn’t want the traditional waiting around, the ceremony had a beautiful wavy aisle with a pocket lounge at the front for the Grooms party, thereafter the fabulous reception with a 5 tier cake, international piano artist and the amazing decor of a full ceiling of greenery with custom charcoal candles

This was truly a highlight of Khali’s Career.

Khali has also been involved in the corporate space including Vodacom, FNB, Sasol and Table Charm to name a few.

One of the bigger companies we are fortunate to work with is the Bidvest group, who are always wanting custom, out-of-this-world decor, it is a massive production with 60 tables all on elevated levels, taking place over 2 nights with 800 guests per night whereby all an international act is brought out and many talents, the event is truly a something to marvel at.

Khali has also won the Female Founders Initiative Business Award for Female-Owned Events Company of the Year for 2022.

Khali prides herself in being in partnership with Ubuntu Pathways where by she hosts the Johannesburg gala dinner where we hold an auction to raise money and awareness for the Ubuntu charity, Khali works closely with all involved and ensures that every event is a success, ubuntu has built a primary school in Port Elizabeth and is in the process of building a high school too. At the last gala in October 2022, we managed to raise an amazing R2.1 Million rand for the organization, which included the students in the planning, execution, decor, registrations of guests and the auction.

There have been many foundations that Khali has brought her students in to help raise funds such as the “End Girl Hate” campaign, as well as at school such as Bryneven Primary School, Khali is always the first person to offer her services and skills in any way she can, whether it be her planning, decor or just advice she is always happy to help where she can.

Khali has also been involved in a few more organizations that I would need to confirm the names of.

Khali is a driven person with so much passion for the events, with the SA School of Weddings we are able to train over 100 ladies and gentlemen a year giving them the skills and knowledge to start their own business or work for someone to help them grow their companies

Khali prides herself in giving everyone the good, the bad and the ugly of the industry, we are always reminding students that we are not the glamour, we create the glamour and it is all about hard work to get where you want to be.

Khali is a wife and mother of 3, to a set of twins and a boy whom she loves very much, she has dedicated herself to ensuring her children are aware of the world and the people who inhabit it, teaching them values that allow them to be respectful and kind to all that they come into contact with.
