

Tasneem Karriem

Tasneem is the chief executive officer of Grand Parade Investments (“GPI”) and nominated shareholder representative of GPI on the board, pursuant to the broad-based black economic empowerment transaction concluded with GPI in October 2014. Tasneem, a qualified chartered accountant, has vast corporate finance experience gained in previous roles at other listed entities and in senior management within Ernst & Young’s Transaction Services team based in Johannesburg. She joined GPI in July 2015 to head up their corporate finance activities and was appointed to the GPI board as an executive director in September 2016. Tasneem was nominated to the board by GPI on 12 April 2017, to replace Alan Keet, who resigned from the board on 1 April 2017 following his resignation from GPI. Shareholders will be requested to confirm Tasneem’s appointment to the board at the forthcoming annual general meeting.
