

Olano Makhubela

Olano Makhubela has a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of KwaZulu-Natal; Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of the Witwatersrand; BCom Honours (Economics) (distinction) from University of South Africa; and a Masters in Science in Development Economics from the University of London.
Work Experience
Olano Makhubela has been with the National Treasury since 2000. In his 17 years at the National Treasury, he has assisted with the development of Government policy on retirement reforms, insurance, investment funds, financial integrity, prudential regulation, capital controls and flows, first tier banking and financial inclusion. He has represented the National Treasury at the G20 Financial Access Working Group, Financial Sector Charter and Nedlac processes. He is currently (as of 1 October 2017) the Acting Divisional Executive for Retirement Funds at the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (previously the Financial Services Board).
