Nokwazi Mzobe

Nokwazi Mzobe is the founder and MD of Matoyana entrepreneurship & sustainability focused consulting firm which works with organizations & individuals that believe that we (as a collective) can make a positive impact on our continent by supporting & developing entrepreneurs to run successful, sustainable businesses as well as creating and promoting a culture of entrepreneurial, innovative and creative thinking.
Nokwazi has been running Matoyana for 4 years, where she has either taught,mentored or developed over 1000 business owners. She has over 8 years workexperience with 2 Fortune 500 multinationals across the Middle East and Africa,working in Logistics, Marketing & Finance roles. She holds a Bachelor of ScienceDegree from the University of KwaZulu-Natal; an Honours Degree from Wits Universityand an MBA from Hult International Business School.