

Abdalla Dao

Abdalla Dao

Abdalla Dao works with the Burkina National Agricultural Research Corporation as a researcher focused on crop improvement. Over the past seven years, he has been coordinating the creation, evaluation, and dissemination of improved maize varieties and working with farmers and NGOs in designing and implementing agricultural development projects. He also serves as a mentor and contributes to the capacity building of many agronomists. Abdalla completed his Ph.D in Genetic and Plant Breeding from the West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI) at the University of Ghana. Abdalla Dao believes agriculture is essential for economic growth in Burkina Faso and hopes that by participating in the Washington Fellowship, he will cultivate relationships and gain skills that will help him contribute to a green revolution, not only in Burkina Faso, but throughout Africa. Abdalla was one of 100 Fellows competitively selected to participate in an 8-week internship in the United States following the Mandela Washington Fellowship academic institute. Abdalla was one of 100 Fellows competitively selected to participate in an 8-week internship in the United States following the Mandela Washington Fellowship academic institute. He interned at Sheladia Associates in August-September 2014.
