

Abdoul Nasser Zongo

Abdoul Nasser Zongo

Abdoul Nasser Zongo has six years’ experience in agriculture, rural development, and business development. He holds a Master’s degree in Agricultural and Environmental Economics from the University of Koudougou. For two years, Nasser has been founder, manager, and business development consultant at AgriGrowth Management (AGM), a company offering business development services to micro, small, and medium agribusinesses. Their vision is to create systemic changes to attract more private investment in local agriculture. Previously, Nasser worked as technical assistant at Business Development Services Africa, agro-economist at Agricultural Rural Entrepreneurship Project and factory manager at SeedRock Agriculture. Abdoul Nasser Zongo is a member of the University of Koudougou Farmer Student Friendly Group where he assists young graduates better integrate into professional life. Back home after the Mandela Washington Fellowship, he wants to make AGM the most innovative company in delivering development services to local agribusinesses.
