Abubakar Said Abdalla Baasba

Abubakar Said Abdalla Baasba is a Clinical Officer who has been promoted to Medical Doctor at the Nakuru County and Referral Hospital. Abubakar Said Abdalla Baasba has over nine years of experience in both private and public hospitals with a special interest in maternal and child health care. He is also a founder and the Chairman of a CBO called Lamu Against Maternal Mortality (LAMAM). This initiative aspires to improve maternal and child health care towards the realization of SDG 3 especially in remote areas that are threatened by Alshabab terrorist groups within Lamu County. Abubakar works through mobilizing fellow medical personnel to volunteer in activities like mobile antenatal care, cancer screenings, and community mobilization. He hopes to improve delivery in hospitals through religious leaders, traditional birth attendants (TBAs) and chiefs, and provide verbal autopsy for maternal death. Upon completion of the fellowship, Abubakar plans to create sustainable income-generating activities to provide an all-inclusive reproductive health package for marginalized communities and become a reproductive health specialist. Stayed in Kanya.