Adja Mariam Mahre Sanogoh Epse Soro

Adja Mariam Mahre Sanogoh Epse Sorohas over five years of professional experience, with three years in the field of Microfinance and two years in Literary publishing. She created and manages Voyelles Publishing, as she believes that literature is a factor in emancipation and open-mindedness. Her enterprise publishes literary works, organizes writing workshops, and created literary cafes open to all free of charge. Voyelles Publishing also owns a website which promotes currents events in literary matters. Currently, Adja Mariam Mahre Sanogoh Epse Soro is working on the creation of a children’s magazine to promote African culture and heritage. The magazine will be available in two mediums; paper and digital. This magazine’s goal is to reach to the Francophone public and beyond. After her participation to the Yali, Soro Adja will continue to work for the development of the African Literature with a purpose to raise the desire to read in her generation and the next generation.