Adrienne Irma Rabemanantsoa

Adrienne Irma Rabemanantsoa from Madagascar(Africa) is a very dynamic young multitasker. She was a translator, an interpreter, a journalist, a communication consultant, an English teacher and, a radio-producer, all at one time. When she realized she could not do it all, she decided to focus on her favorite activity: translation and interpretation, in which she has more than five years’ experience. In 2015, Adrienne Irma Rabemanantsoa founded Air Communication providing translation, interpretation and English-teaching services. Adrienne has a degree in English for specific purposes and a master’s degree in Journalism and Communication for development. Since 2015, she has been providing translation and interpretational services for an organization fighting against open defecation. From that moment, she has become an active supporter of Sustainable Development Goal #6. Upon her return from the US, she plans to create a department fully dedicated to the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector in her startup.