

Aki Kalliatakis

Aki Kalliatakis

After matriculating at King Edward School and graduating from Wits University with an Honours degree in Industrial Psychology, Aki Kalliatakis has worked for companies in a number of industries, including life insurance, civil engineering, and pharmaceutical manufacturing. He spent much of his time developing and presenting numerous courses for managers and supervisors in these various organisations, but in 1987 became involved in the implementation of strategic Quality Improvement activities aimed at enhancing the way in which companies do business.

Aki Kalliatakis now runs his own Management Consultancy – the Customer Resources Centre. He is actively involved in assisting companies to implement “Delight Your Customers!”TM – a Customer Satisfaction and Quality Improvement strategy which he developed in South Africa for the local market. He is often invited to give motivational talks to groups, conduct seminars, workshops and training courses, and to carry out both in-house and external surveys for his clients. He also lectures on executive development programmes for two English universities operating in South Africa.

He is passionate about the subject of customer care, and, at one stage co-hosted his own weekly radio talk show, on Radio 702, “Aki’s Consumer Line”, with Mike Mills. He often writes articles for various management journals, and has published a book called “Reflections on Delighting Your Customers.” His second book, “Delight Your Customers” will be published shortly.

His interests include astronomy, wildlife and reading, and Aki Kalliatakis is also a part-time counsellor for one of the crisis centres in Johannesburg, although many of these interests have taken second place to the MBA with which he is currently busy.
