

Alan Weyer

Alan Weyer

Alan Weyer has an insightful historical knowledge coupled with many truths, tales and legends of the region make for an unforgettable journey through time.

The history of the Eastern Cape frontier may evoke different interpretations, but what cannot be disputed is that it involves the ancestors of people from all over the world. The confluence of African and European cultures which took place in this region shaped modern South Africa. The mounting pressure from colonial expansion was resisted for over 100 years by the Xhosa people, putting them at the forefront of African resistance and underlining their prominence in South African politics today.

Born, bred and educated in the Eastern Cape; a true son of the Frontier region and of farming stock going back 4 generations, Weyer’s interest in history and people began as a young boy roaming the family farm with his companions and friends; wondering about the lives of those who had once lived in the ruins which littered the farm. Educated at Graeme College in Grahamstown, Alan refused to take history as a matric subject. “Back then, it was a one-sided story, anyway”, he comments.

Today Alan Weyer’s insightful historical knowledge coupled with many truths, tales and legends of the region make for an unforgettable journey through time. runs a successful business offering sought after lectures throughout the country and tours into the province’s frontier territory. He is also contracted to Kwandwe Private Game Reserve and No 7 Worcester Street, 2 premier tourist destinations, where he talks up a storm about the Frontier country’s engrossing and colourful history.

In 2004 Alan launched his lecture series: Spirits of the Past at South Africa House in London were he spoke to a sold-out audience. He has since been awarded the

• 2005 winner of the prestigious SA Tourism’s Tour Guide of the Year 
• 2006, the Grand Prix winner of the inaugural SA Tourism Welcome Awards as the best tourism product in the country.

In addition, Alan Weyer’s insightful historical knowledge coupled with many truths, tales and legends of the region make for an unforgettable journey through time. is one half of the popular Boet & Swaer comic duo, regaling crowds with their hilarious, dour renditions of farming life in the Eastern Cape and playing to audiences throughout the country, UK and Australia.

Alan Weyer is married to Audrey and they have two young daughters, Catherine and Candice. They live in a beautifully renovated crafters cottage in historic Grahamstown.
