

Alexis Nizigiyimana

Alexis Nizigiyimana holds a Doctor of Medicine degree obtained from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Burundi. Alexis Nizigiyimana is a General Practitioner currently serving as the Director of New Hope Clinic of Vulnerable Youth. Dr. Alexis is the founder and CEO of the English Medical Center; a unique community-based organization in Burundi focusing on youth and women empowerment through vocational skills. Previously, he was the CEO of Youth in Clear Medical, a community organization he founded which focuses on vulnerable youth with HIV. He is co-founder and chair of Burundi Heart Foundation, a community-based organization focusing on cardiovascular disease prevention and management. He is also currently a board member of the Burundi Non-Communicable Disease Alliance and a grant holder of American Spaces in Burundi. Stayed in Africa.
