Alison Futter

Alison Futter joined PetroSA in October 2006 working within the Finance Division. She held the role of International Tax Advisor from 2006 to 2012, acting Group Tax Manager 2012 to 2014 and since 2015 Group Tax Manager. Prior to joining PetroSA she held the role Principal Tax Consultant at Ernst & Young (from 2000) and Tax Accountant at Old Mutual (from 1998).
Alison Futter is a practising member of the South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA), is an associate member of the South African Institute of Bankers, is the (member elected) Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the PetroSA Retirement Fund, a member of the tax working group of the South Africa Petroleum Industry Association (SAPIA) and the Chairman of the Tax and Finance Sub-committee for the Offshore Petroleum Association of South Africa (OPASA).
She was appointed to the role of Acting Chief Financial Officer in September 2018.