Amina Issa OumarouAmina Issa Oumarou

Amina Issa OumarouAmina Issa Oumarou is a communication specialist with eight years’ experience in communication and media. She graduated with a master’s degree in Sociolinguistics, then one in New Media, Governance, and Democracy at Leicester University, UK, by distance learning. After working in the Niger Foreign Affairs Department, she consulted with national and international institutions and also published a bilingual business magazine aimed at promoting investment in Niger. Amina Issa OumarouAmina Issa Oumarou now works with local and international NGOs to implement policies and good practices to build rural populations’ resilience to food security and climate climate. She also mobilizes civil society in communication and advocacy actions to stand for farmers, women’s, and youth rights. Upon completion of the Fellowship(Africa), Amina plans to start an NGO and a TV station aimed at sensitizing communities in good governance and appraising development programs.