Anastacia Alvina De Klerk

Anastacia de Klerk has over seven years’ experience in civic leadership, specifically focusing on creating activities to keep the youth positively engaged and helping the needy in her community. Currently, Anastacia is the co-founder of the Janet Martin Charity Foundation, where she focuses on curbing baby dumping in her hometown and providing needy school children, struggling families, and senior citizens with basic necessities such as toiletries and meals in Namibia. Anastacia Alvina De Klerk assists children with learning difficulties, especially in mathematics, by offering extra classes. She also teaches children to build on their talents through offering arts classes so that they will be able to become self-sufficient one day. Anastacia holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from North-West University in South Africa, where she specialized in assisting children with learning difficulties. Anastacia is driven by her love for children and her community, and hopes that she will be able to bring a bigger and more positive change to it through educating children. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Anastacia plans to continue her work with the Janet Martin Charity Foundation with a focus on creating more activities for the youth.