

Andrew Christoffel Nissen

Andrew Christoffel Nissen holds a Joint Board Diploma in Theology from the Federal Theological Seminary in Pietermaritzburg obtained in 1980. He then graduated with a Bachelor of Arts, Honours degree from the University of Cape Town in 1988. His dissertation: An Investigation into the supposed loss of Khoikhoi Traditional Religious Heritage, earned him his Masters of Arts degree in 1990.

Mr. Nissen was ordained as a Minister of the Uniting Presbyterian Church of South Africa in 1981 and served in congregations as far afield as Limpopo Province, Eastern Cape and the Western Cape. He worked for the Western Province Council of Churches in the 1980s, leading the Standing for the Truth Campaign. He also attended HIV/AIDS training in Canada in 1991 on behalf of the South African Council of Churches.

During the 1980s and 1990s, Mr. Nissen did extensive work as a community organiser in communities such as Graaf Reinett, Eerste River Advice Office, Macassar, Die Bos (now named after him as, Chris Nissen Park) and Sir Lowry’s Pass Village. He supported communities in various human rights issues such as housing and access to land. Due to his work, Mr. Nissen has been honoured by having streets named after him as well as a school in Knysna.

After years of ecumenical, community and political organisation based work, Mr. Nissen was appointed as a Member of the Western Cape Provincial Legislature, served as Deputy Speaker, served as MEC of Economic Affairs and was National Co-ordinator of the Mashakane Campaign for the Department of Constitutional Development from 1994 to 1999.
